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For 100 years, Trico has provided customers lubrication management solutions with a focus on industrial equipment performance and reliability. We have accomplished this by combining high-performance, globally-recognized lubrication products, with our proactive lubrication management training, and in-plant services, as well as oil analysis services. Trico has developed a network of key partnerships with local distribution partners who extend our ability to reach and work with corporations around the world not just in the development of a total lubrication program, but in the implementation of it as well.

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The Spectrum Visual Lubrication Management System uses colour coding to ensure the
correct lubricant is used in the right piece of equipment, and in the proper location.

Coloured identifiers can be assigned to designated lubricants. Assigning specific colours
allows for a tagging system to be deployed throughout the lubricant chain within the

From the point of storage to the point of application, the operator will know which
designated lubricant is to go to each specific lubrication point.

Colour coding lubricants from
the time they enter the facility to the point of use will reduce the amount of lubricant cross
contamination that occurs in everyday top-ups, re-lubrication, and re-greasing activities.


Welcome to Real-Time Lubrication Intelligence.

Sensei is a system of Sensing devices connected via a wireless network that delivers valuable intelligence about what’s happening inside your critical equipment.


Backed by the experts at Trico to guide you toward maximum uptime, efficiency and confidence.


Sensei is quick to install, Easy to expand and brings you
everything you need to quickly identify, solve and optimise lubrication issues and keep your equipment running

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